Música per Reflexionar

Justin Moore & Applejux Audiovisual Ensemble – Distant Homes (2017)

It’s not the first time I collaborate with artists. I have been publishing mixtapes online since early 2000’s. A few years ago I discovered Justin Edward Moore, a young artist from Michigan. He had been listening to my stuff since I first started broadcasting live for a swiss netradio. Without knowing this story, I had been “liking” Justin’s publications on Instagram, specially those hand drawn colourfull abstract sketches which now are part of this Audiovisual Ensemble. Justin and me decided to try and work/play together. This is the first product. Who knows, we may have time and interest in doing something else.

“Distant Homes” is a three part trip inspired by Justin’s artwork. Each mp3 audio track includes 7 artwork pieces. You may recognise some of the songs in this mixtape. While videoconferencing with Justin, it shocked me how much he remembered about the content of the mixtapes. I then listened to some of the old Applejux sessions and chose some of the songs which I have included in this one too.

The following list features the real authors of the sound and music used to create the audio of “Distant Homes”.




Música per reflexionar...
Música per reflexionar...
cHristian negre i walczak

Construint coneixement amb música diferent. El podcast musical dispers, reflexiu i eclèctic d’en cHristian Negre i Walczak.

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